Panduan Dasar Untuk Account Officer
(Basic Knowledge for Account Officer)

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   Publisher   : UPP AMP YKPN
                      Yogyakarta - Indonesia
   Year         : 1997 (second edition) - the first edition was published in 1992
   Pages        : 216


As shown by its title, the aim of this book is to provide readers with basic knowledge that should be mastered by an Account Officer (bank's Marketing Officer), especially for those who just start or being trained.

We acknowledge that bank is a complex system. There are things related with front liners' job, back office system and procedures, budgeting, reporting, technology and information system, etc. All those things, of course, are important and are the things that make a bank run. Without one of it, the bank will stop operate and break down.

As an Account Officer, not all of those things should be mastered, especially for the new one. There are things that must be known to come to the Account Officer's world, and there are things that can be learned later.

In this book, I describe all those practical things that must be known by a new Account Officer, which makes this book as a very focused book.

Table of Content

Chapter Translation Topik Pembahasan
1 Introduction
- Bank Definition and Classification
- Bank Business Characteristics
- Account Officer
- Bank With and Without Account Officer
- Pengertian dan Klasifikasi Bank
- Sifat Industri Perbankan
- Account Officer
- Bank Dengan dan Tanpa Account Officer
2 Funding Product
- Checking/Current Account
- Saving Account
- Time Deposit
- Notes on Bank's Source of Fudning
Produk Funding
- Rekening Giro
- Tabungan
- Deposito
- Catatan Tentang Sumber Dana Perbankan
3 Bank Services
- Clearing
- Collection
- Transfer
- Safe Deposit Box
Jasa-jasa Perbankan
- Kliring
- Inkaso
- Transfer
- Safe Deposit Box
4 Export Import (Letter of Credit)
- Mechanicsm and Party Involve in L/C
- Uniform Customs & Practices of Doc. Credit
- Types of L/C
- Documenation
Ekspor Impor (Letter of Credit)
- Mekanisme dan Pelaku L/C
- Uniform Customs & Practices for Doc. Credit
- Jenis-jenis L/C
- Dokumen-dokumen
5 Foreign Exchange Transaction
- Foreign Bank Notes
- Travellers Cheque
- Money Market
- Spot Transaction
- Forward Transaction
- Foward Rate Quotation
- SWAP Transaction
- Cross Rate
- Margin Trading
Transaksi Valuta Asing
- Jual Beli Uang Valuta Asing
- Jual Beli Travellers Cheque
- Pasar Uang (Money Market)
- Transaksi Spot
- Transaksi Berjangka
- Forward Rate Quotation
- Transaksi SWAP
- Kurs Silang (Cross Rate)
- Margin Trading
6 Bank Loan Classification
- Tenor of Loan
- Revolving & Non-revolving Loan
- Loan Source of Funding
- Term of Disbursement/Repayment
- Loan Currency
- Cash and Non-cash Loan
- Purpose of Financing
Klasifikasi Kredit Perbankan
- Jangka Waktu Kredit
- Sifat Penggunaan Dana
- Sumber Dana Pembiayaan Kredit
- Cara Penarikan/Pembayaran Kembali Kredit
- Mata Uang
- Kredit Tunai dan Non-Tunai
- Tujuan Penggunaan Dana
7 Lending Product
- Overdraft Facility
- Demand Loan
- Post Dated Cheque  Financing
- Factoring
- Post Import Loan
- Export Financing
- Term Loan
- Syndication
- Bank Guarantee
- Car Loan
- Housing Loan
- Credit Card
- Notes on Commercial Loan
- Notes on Non-cash Loan
Produk Kredit Perbankan
- Kredit Rekening Koran
- Kredit Aksep
- Pembiayaan Giro-giro Mundur
- Anjak Piutang (Factoring)
- Post Import Loan
- Export Financing
- Term Loan
- Kredit Sindikasi
- Jaminan Bank
- Car Loan
- Kredit Pemilikan Rumah
- Kartu Kredit
- Catatan Atas Kredit Komersial
- Catatan Atas Kredit Non-Tunai
8 Credit Approval Process
- Framework
- Loan Request
- Data Collection and Collateral Appraisal
- Credit Analysis
- Credit Proposal
- Supplemental Data Collection
- Documentation
- Types of Collateral
Proses Pemberian Kredit
- Kerangka Dasar Proses
- Permohonan Kredit
- Pengumpulan Data dan Peninjauan Agunan
- Analisis Kredit
- Proposal Kredit
- Pengumpulan Data Pelengkap
- Pengikatan Kredit/Agunan
- Agunan Kredit
9 Problem Loan
- Loan Collectability Classification
- Preventing Problem Loan
- Early Warning Sign
- Three Decision Alternatives
Kredit Macet
- Klasifikasi Kolektibilitas Kredit
- Mencegah Timbulnya Kredit Macet
- Indikasi Awal Kredit Macet
- Tiga Alternatif Keputusan

Analisis Kredit Untuk Account Officer

Buku Analisis Kredit Untuk AO.jpg (23719 bytes)
    Publisher   : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
                        Jakarta - Indonesia
    Year         : 1995
    Pages        : 289


Bank is a risk business. That is the statement usually used to describe the nature of bank business, since bank is using other people money to make money (in form of funding and lending). To ensure the continuity of its business (and profit), it is very important for bank to manage its loan quality.

Up to a certain level, the ability of their Account/Credit Officer to evaluate loan proposal properly is the key success factor in lending. That's why bank gives a lot of attention to increase the credit skills of their Account Officers, and that's what I have in mind when I wrote this book, that is, to assist Account Officer in making a sound credit recommendation.

In this book, I describe almost every practical credit analysis needed by an Account Officer to evalute a loan proposal. Beside techniques, I supplement the book with six case study to show readers how the techniques are used in the real world. In the last chapter, I provide readers with principles of lending which are basically the philosophy of lending that should not be forgotten by any Account Officer in doing the lending job.

For the new Account Officer, I believe this is a "self stater-kits" because there's no experience required to understand the material, while for the experts, I hope this book will be able to served as a valuable reference.

Table of Content

Chapter Translation (English) Topik Pembahasan
1 Balance Sheet
- Introduction
- Asset
- Liability
- Equity
- Pengantar
- Aktiva
- Kewajiban
- Modal
2 Income Statement
- Introduction
- Components of Income Statement
- Linkage Between Balance Sheet & Inc. Statement
- Financial Statement Limitation
Laporan Rugi/Laba
- Pengantar
- Komponen Laporan Rugi/Laba
- Hubungan Antara Neraca & Lap. Rugi/Laba
- Keterbatasan Laporan Keuangan
3 Ratio Analysis
- Introduction
- Types of Financial Ratio
- Ratio Analysis Application
Analisis Rasio
- Pengantar
- Jenis-jenis Rasio Keuangan
- Aplikasi Analisis Rasio
4 Comparision Analysis and Sources and Uses of Fund (Funds Flow Statement) Analysis
- Introduction
- Vertical Analysis
- Horizontal Analysis
- Sources and Uses of Fund
Analisis Perbandingan dan Analisis Sumber & Penggunaan Dana
- Pengantar
- Analisis Vertikal
- Analisis Horizontal
- Sumber dan Penggunaan Dana
4A Case Study - Apperal Manufacturing Company Studi Kasus - Perusahaan Manufaktur Pakaian Jadi
5 Financing Growth
- Introduction
- Quick and Dirty Method
- Pro-forma Balance Sheet  Method
Membiayai Pertumbuhan
- Pengantar
- Metode Perkiraan Kasar
- Metode Neraca Pro-forma
5A Case Study - Metal Manufacturing Company (Part I) Studi Kasus - Perusahaan Manufaktur Logam (Bagian I)
5B Case Study - Textile Chemical Trading Company Studi Kasus - Perusahaan Dagang Kimia Tekstil
6 Credit Structure
- Introduction
- Type of Asset Being Finance
- Sources of Repayment
- Loan in Rupiah vs Foreign Currency Loan
Struktur Kredit
- Pengantar
- Jenis Aktiva Yang Dibiayai
- Sumber Pengembalian
- Pinjaman Rupiah Versus Valuta Asing
- Penetapan Kondisi Pinjaman
6B Case Study - Metal Manufacturing Company
(Part II)
Studi Kasus - Perusahaan Manufaktur Logam (Bagian II)
7 Cashflow Analysis
- Introduction
- Cashflow Construction Principles
- Basic Format of Cashflow
- Determine Financial Needs
- Determine Type of Loan
- Determine Tenor of Loan
Penyusunan Aliran Kas
- Pengantar
- Prinsip-prinsip Penyusunan Aliran Kas
- Format Aliran Kas
- Menentukan Jumlah Kebutuhan Dana
- Menentukan Jenis Pinjaman
- Mengetahui Jangka Waktu Pinjaman
7A Case Study - Projecting Cashflow Studi Kasus - Proyeksi Aliran Dana
8 Qualitative Analysis
- Introduction
- Internal Variables
- External Variables
- SWOT Analysis
Analisis Kualitatif
- Pengantar
- Variabel Internal
- Variabel Eksternal
- Analisis SWOT
8A Case Study - Chopstick Manufacturing Company Studi Kasus - Perusahaan Manufaktur Sumpit
9 Principles of Lending Prinsip Dasar Pemberian Kredit

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Needs Satisfaction Selling VS Value Added Selling
